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Join the
  Horsham Society 

  • 10£
    Every year

Membership of the Horsham Society is just £10 per year.  

Members gain access to:

Our publications and our newsletters, packed with interest and published eleven times a year, which contains news on topical issues of concern, articles dealing with the history and future of the town, and a busy letters page. 


Members are encouraged to submit their own articles and views on issues that concern them or their neighbours, and a lively exchange of opinion usually results.


Representation on planning issues are a major concern for the Society as changes made today, for good or ill, will last for decades and perhaps much longer. 


If you are concerned about the wellbeing of Horsham, please consider becoming a member.  

You can easily cancel your membership at any time.

Carfax Horsham

For general inquiries, please get in touch

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Every year

Become a Horsham Society Member

Valid until canceled

Registered Charity No. 268949.  Copyright  ©The Horsham Society 2024. All Rights Reserved

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